DaSy Stakeholders Module 2014  

Session 2: Serving as a Stakeholder
for Cross-Agency Data System Initiatives

This session is designed to help you participate effectively as a stakeholder in collaborative, cross-agency data system initiatives within your state, such as Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS) and State Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) initiatives. The Principles of Effective Stakeholder Engagement remain at the core of information presented in this session. You may find it helpful to access the principles from the Resource callout box on the right. This document and others presented in this session are also available in the Resources and Citations section of the module.


Learning OutcomesImage: Business man and woman working together at office

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Explain your role and responsibilities as a stakeholder in a cross-agency data system initiative in the Inform, Prepare, and Act stages of the stakeholder engagement process; and
  • Identify strategies related to each stage of the process to support your effective participation as a stakeholder in a cross-agency data system initiative.