DaSy: Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process Online Module  

Reflection Journal

Download the Reflection Journal to capture and record your thoughts and ideas. Remember to save your journal to your computer for future reference.



To bring closure to this session, take time to reflect on key ideas and respond to the Challenge Question posed during Set-Up. Download the Reflection Journal located in the callout box to the right and take a moment to jot notes to yourself on what you have learned about applying the 7-point scale to decision-making about child outcomes rating.


In your reflection, respond to these questions:

  • How would you explain to a colleague why we do not adjust for prematurity when deciding on a rating?
  • Why is it inappropriate to read the decision tree aloud with a family present to determine a rating? Describe how you would use it appropriately.
  • Why might the numerical rating for a child who is using assistive technology be higher than if s/he wasn’t using it?
  • How could the decision tree help you determine a rating for a child that demonstrates skills in one setting (e.g., home), but not in another (e.g., child care)?

Challenge Question

Now that you have taken some time to reflect on the session content, take a moment to answer the Challenge Question for yourself.


How might using the decision tree in your child outcomes process result in better and more accurate ratings?


Proceed to the next session next